... the ability to rest comfortably in the present moment regardless of its imperfections is the foundation of all true happiness." Sharon Salzberg, Real Happiness at Work.
I think being OK when things are not is a skill we can all improve. I have to be honest that I still struggle when chaos is present. Again, for me, physical "imperfections" seem to be the most difficult to be OK with.
I'm not talking about aesthetics - sure I hate my body - I'm a woman and I'm not getting any younger! I am talking about when my health feels jeopardized. I don't consider myself a hypochondriac, but I do worry with certain symptoms... when I don't know or can't figure out what is wrong with me or why I'm not feeling better.
Regardless, when I feel off and don't know why I'm certain I am not OK. I am not able to "rest comfortably" because I am worried. And I am very unhappy.
Lately I try and tell myself that it will pass. And it does. And it has truely helped.
I hope that this insight might help others as well.