Monday, September 19, 2016

Nature Nutures!

As a person working in veterinary medicine,  I am blessed daily with interacting with animals.  Of course I have my own menagerie of animals at home!
I watch the squirrels daily.  I have an outdoor/stray cat I enjoy watching as well.
I can honestly say I learn....and re-learn things all the time.  Squirrels might not be the sharpest knives in the drawer in terms of intelligence....but really who am I to say?
Regardless, I see them play regularly.  Sometimes with each other, often times on their own.  It's entertaining and remarkable to watch!  They don't need a therapist to tell them that play is an important part of life.
How many of us put "play" or recreation on the back make money...go to work or do what we "think" we should be doing?  How many of us really value play and fun in our weekly schedule?
Take time to play.  Have fun.  It's more important than we might think it is!