Monday, November 30, 2015

Quote for today....

"Hardly anything happens without the mind spinning it up into an elaborate production.  It's the elaboration that makes life more difficult than it needs to be"

Sylvia Boorstein - Don't just do something, Sit there.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


"Quickly register your state of mind now and then e.g. “angry mind,” “calm mind,” “tense/tight mind,” “curious mind”. This 'mindfulness of the mind' can give you an insight into whether your state of mind is dictating your thinking and your actions. "  by Padraig O'Morain

A quick and easy way to check in with yourself is something called ESP - asking yourself how you are feeling Emotionally, Spiritually and Physically.  One word answers are all you need.  It's an interesting way to look at your state of mind, body and soul.

For example, I might choose this check in method every time I use my computer, use the bathroom, eat a meal. Any way you can habitually make this part of your day.   If I wake up and feel angry, I can recognize it.  This is my check in emotionally.  Anger is a catch all so I might try and choose a different word....irritable perhaps.  Then spiritually I might notice I'm not connected.  Lastly I might be tired or have a sore neck from sleeping.  When I look at the entire ESP process, it gives me a more complete picture.  I'm irritable because I'm disconnected spiritually (likely already thinking of what I want or DON'T want to do that day) and that maybe I could use a heating pad on my neck!

I won't try and get out of any of these states - it's just recognizing - acknowledging - and choosing to detach from these things and go about my day.  I know that all of this states of mind and body will change just as the sun rises and sets and time ticks away.  There is certainty that things will shift.