Monday, February 29, 2016

Obsessive Thoughts

We all have them....just to varying most things in life!
Some people obsess because they are waiting on hearing about a job.  Others obsess about finances or relationships.  There are those lucky few that obsess about obsessive thoughts!

Tara Brach said something recently that really resonated with me;
"If you are suffering, you are believing something that isn't true"

I'm not going to disect any of that.  But it is something to think about.
I think today - based on the day I've had - a bad one.... - I choose to say "not now" to any thoughts that are negative or weighing heavily on me.

We truly only have today.  Why induldge our thougths?  I'm not willing to do that because I have good shows, good food and good podcasts to listen too!

Make this moment what you want.  Do you want to worry about the past - what happened at work today  - what you are worried will happen tomorrow?  Just let it go and focus on something you'd really like to enjoy - right now.  It might be a book, a show, meditation or a good meal.  Don't let worry win over enjoyment.


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