Saturday, August 13, 2016

Oh Universe...when will I learn!!

I had a few things happen in the past week that caused some distress for me. 
The first was that I lost my keys.  Actually scratch that;  the first was that I lost my apple TV remote - the thing is so small!  I looked high and low - inside my pillow cases,  tore my bed apart got out the flashlight to look under everything....and just...couldn't find it. 
Kevin showed up on the weekend and found it;  inside a pillow case - I thought I checked it thoroughly...guess not! 
Then it was my keys;  very distressing as I had my bus pass, my home keys and my work keys!  I tore my house apart.  Moved every couch.  Googled..."how to find your keys".  I lost them for 3 days.  It's interesting to see how much stress and anxiety showed up loosing a few little pieces of metal! 
In life, you can choose to do what many of us do;  search and search.  Drive yourself crazy and never accept that maybe you won't find them.  I did this for 3 days.  
I don't believe in giving up .  However I also am willing to look at my own state of being and wellness.  I was loosing sleep, being obsessive and making myself crazy.  I said to myself, I'm going to have to ACCEPT that I might not find them....and be OK with that. They are just keys!  Sure it'd be 200 bucks to replace my work key and I'm sure some hefty judgement....but isn't that ok in the big picture? 
I said to myselfkeys;  Tara - be Ok with this.  It's not that bad.  Stop worrying.  Literally 5 minutes later I went to water my plants and found them. 
The universe is a funny lady!  I truly believe she thought....until you accept your loss, you won't get what you want!

A silly anecdote perhaps.  But isn't this the stress we all deal with day in and day out?  Isn't the lesson timeless?  Stop looking.  Stop trying to control.  When you are supposed to find will. 