Sunday, March 20, 2016


"Doubt is an uncomfortable condition, but certainty is a ridiculous one" (Voltaire).  Let's spend more time in the now, where we live, and less in a fictional future in our head.
By: Padraig O'Morain

Monday, March 7, 2016

FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real

 I have this sticky note up beside my desk;  FEAR:  false evidence appearing real. 
I think I wrote this because so many emotions can be traced back to fear.
When anyone experiences fear - it is usually because of an outcome or possibility that they have no control over....of course...what they fear will happen. 
I could list hundreds of examples.  The point is that when you look at what you are afraid of...that could be anxiety or just generalized could be a drop dead fear of flying or large snakes - whatever it can always argue - it hasn't happened yet. 
And why do we worry about things that have not occurred?  Of course we are trying to protect ourselves from uneccesary pain.  Makes sense.  However we start playing the "what if" game.  
When we enter into a conversation of "what if" with ourselves, we just have to say STOP!
What if I die tomorrow.  What if I loose my job.  What if Jim-bo leaves me?  Not worth thinking about!
The only way anyone can deal with all of this is by staying in the now.  Nothing is happening  right now.    And we can stay HERE.  
Fear is not real.  This moment is.