When you feel anxious about something in your day, quickly check if you might be more attached to the outcome than is necessary. Mindfulness for Worriers
I think attachment is something we all need to evaluate. What are you attached too? A relationship? A job? An image? Your physical beauty? Your intelligence? Being accepted or liked?
When I say "attachment" what I'm really referring to is how much something affects and impacts you. Am I OK if any of the above listed were to dissapear?
I need to be OK today with who I am. I can't depend on my external attachments . Ask yourself this. If I were to loose _________today....would I be OK? Would I still be me? Could I cope and function?
Today, I am choosing to be free - unattached.
The only thing I might attach to is the fact that the sun will rise and fall tomorrow and time will tick on...regardless if I believe in it or support it. External things come and go. Internally, I will always be me, and their is always a present moment that I can be in.