Saturday, September 26, 2015

Physical reaction to negative thinking

When I think about things in the past I've done or experienced that cause worry, I can often feel similar to the time it happened - anxiety, fear, remorse.  It may not be to the same extent when the event occurred, but it is still a reaction.  Physiologically, the hormones that are released are lets say..."not good".  They may even be harmful healthwise.

At the time, the response by the body might serve a purpose.  However, re-living it and experiencing the same response serves no purpose.
This phenomenon is similar to worrying about future events.  There is a difference between planning for the future and predicting it.
For me, when I am in the past or the future, I can't be present in the now - in today.  What's more important is that I experience unhelpful thoughts and therefore reactions by my body. It affects anxiety and distracts me from the current day AND the feelings of peace, joy, contentment and safety I experience when I'm truly staying in the present.  My body can produce other hormones or chemicals....better ones....that are helpful to my overall well being.
I am trying to be kind to myself today - mentally and therefore physically.

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