"The thought you are having now will evaporate, probably in moments. Thoughts are like that - they come and go, so there's usually no need to take them terribly seriously. Observe and move on."
Padraig O'Morian
Sometimes I am truly shocked at how quickly my thoughts and moods can change; they really do eb and flow and rarely last for much time.
Today I had anxiety in the morning before work - off for 4 days and wondering how things would be after a long weekend I suspect. I knew that by the time I arrived at work - literally an hour away - it would dissipate and crumble into nothing.
There are times when I question my thought - why am I thinking this! I am quick to judge myself with catastrophic and black and white thinking: "why do I always expect the worst". Truth is, it was only one thought...and it means very little.
Do I recognize all the great thoughts I have? Do I appreciate the times of peace, joy and empathy I feel?
I believe there might be some merit in not putting too much weight into our emotions or what we think. They seem to be very fluid. They will change. Who knows what we will think or feel later today, tomorrow or in a week! The only constant in our lives is that things will always change.
When things are challenging - be it a thought or feeling - knowing that there is a real possibility of feeling or thinking differently can be a great comfort.