Sunday, October 30, 2016

What do you show people?

What I sometimes struggle with is being overly positive.  I feel this need to look for the good, be grateful and avoid focusing on negative. 
I have struggled emotionally in the past with depression and anxiety.  More specifically in my teens and early 20's I really was quite morose.  My favorite band at the time was The Smiths.  Have you listened to the words?   
Regardless, it took me some time to stop catasrophizing and looking at things with an all or none/black or white view.  Mindfulness has been very helpful  in my growth and me becoming MY better person...happier and more balanced. 
I think emotional-maskmindfulness teaches us to accept, yet to be in discomfort when it happens.  The more we resist things, the more they persist.  Intellectually I know this, but I still try and hide behind the mask I've created for decades.  Happy, positive and outgoing. The glass is half full.  And why?  I somehow feel it's "better" than being negative's how I want to appear to the world.  Who do you want to work with, spend time with or marry? Debbie Downer or Chipper McHappypants? 
When I find my self talk telling me to focus on the good, I do listen;  I don't want to go down the rabbit hole into a dark place.  However, as with many things, once the pendulum swings, it goes a little too far!   When I'm doubting anything, I look to balance and that seems to be the answer. 
I can be sad.  I can be mad.  I can be happy or euphoric.  But any of the "extremes" get me into trouble.  I don't know how authetic it is because it is forced, either way.  I choose to be overly happy or sadly pessimistic.  As I've always said, when you are in a dark place....a low point....sometimes it's easier to let go and fall to the bottom so that you simply can't fall any further. On the flip side, I might be going through a divorce, job loss and illness and to say I'm "fine" and not acknowlege the struggle isn't honest. 
Balance.  It's all about balance.  I hate that my mother was right, yet again , but everything in moderation:) 

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